
Jake Ryland Williams
Assistant Professor
Department of Information Science
College of Computing and Informatics
Drexel University
Introduction to data science

Common themes

  • Classifiers allow machines to distinguish between types,
  • and are trained/evaluated with "gold standard" data
  • using a variety of "confusion" metrics.
  • While bad models can make bad classifiers,
  • it is just as if not more import
  • to have a "gold standard" truth of highest quality.
  • What is classification?

  • While modeling might be focused on why something happened,
  • classification asks "what type of thing is this?"
  • So, the goal is to categorize individual observations,
  • e.g., what is the blood type of individual X?
  • Since target categories are known a-priori,
  • i.e., existing categorical knowledge is used for guidance,
  • classification is considered a supervised learning task,
  • whose unsupervised analogue would be clustering.
  • Binary classification

  • The simplest form chooses one of two categories,
  • abstractly, positive and negative,
  • like what a SPAM filter does with an in-box.
  • Naturally, binary classification is easiest to accomplish,
  • and has the simplest quantification for success,
  • which is succinctly described by the confusion matrix.
  • The confusion matrix

  • "Gold standard," truth-known data allows classifier assessment,
  • whether for binary or more-complex classification problems,
  • but the confusion matrix is particular to binary classification,

    • For an observation, e.g., an email, there are four outcomes:
      • True positive (TP)—Gmail saved you from a computer virus.
      • False positive (FP)—Sorry, I never got the meeting's message!
      • True negative (TN)—You agreed to attend the meeting.
      • False negative (FN)—Instead of $1 million you got a virus.

    A matrix describing classifier confusion

    Required reading: Confusing terminology (hopefully not)

    Summarized assessments

  • Tallying the four outcomes is a coarse assessment,
  • and it's generally more important to summarize with rates.
  • Two commonly used rates are precision (P) and recall (R).
  • Precision is the "positive predictive value,"
  • and is the probability that a positive prediction is correct,
  • while recall measures a classifier's "sensitivity",
  • or the probability of detecting a positive instance.
  • Sometimes it's important to balance the two,
  • which is why the combined, F1 score exists:
  • From description, what kind of an average is this? Why?
  • What about accuracy?

  • Amid these summaries we actually haven't mentioned accuracy:
  • which measure the overall number of correct assessments.
  • With classifiers, accuracy can unfortunately be misleading
  • and is generally not the best metric for model tuning.
  • Estimates hold 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer,
  • so a classifier that flatly predicts all women born won't,
  • will score an 88% accuracy, which is much better than half!
  • But this is useless, with no positive predictive power,
  • which is masked by a class imbalance of positives at 12%.
  • So, metrics should be considered in the context of problems
  • and it is best to loot at and understand all of them.
  • Required reading: Accuracy is not enough

    Parameter tuning

  • Most times, classifiers have parameters and can be tuned.
  • These might be probabilistic thresholds for prediction,
  • or more physical quantities that describe model nuances.
  • Combined metrics, like F1, help to choose best parameters,
  • and the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve
  • plots the True Positive vs False Positive rates.
  • A perfect model has 100% TPs and 0% FPs,
  • which is in the top left corner of the ROC, but
  • the ROC also describes overall model performance
  • through the Area Under the Curve (AUC),
  • which has a maximum of 1 for a perfect classifier,
  • and generally indicates a model's tunability.
  • Required reading: ROCs and AUCs

    Complex classification problems

  • Binary classification is a powerful and simple framework,
  • and is extended by multi-class classification,
  • where there exists more than two labels from which to choose,
  • as is the case in language classification.
  • Multi-class is distinct from multi-label classification,
  • where multiple labels may be applied to individual instances,
  • e.g., tag blog posts with any of news, sports, politics, etcetera.
  • Both multi-label and -class have different performance metrics,
  • and are generally harder to approach than binary classification,
  • since there are a wider range of possibilities.
  • Is machine classification objective?

  • Supervised machine learning algorithms are built on data,
  • so it may be reasonable to assume that these are objective.
  • However, an algorithm is only as strong as its data,
  • which can be incorrect or biased.
  • This leads to the adage garbage in, garbage out,
  • which refers to bad input data leading to similar output.
  • However this is also the case with our cultural biases,
  • which if present in social data as input
  • can result in machines that discriminate,
  • i.e., carry unreasonable cultural biases forward.
  • Quality data is paramount in classifier construction!
  • Required reading: Machine discrimination


  • Classifiers allow machines to distinguish between types,
  • and are trained/evaluated with "gold standard" data
  • using a variety of "confusion" metrics.
  • While bad models can make bad classifiers,
  • it is just as if not more import
  • to have a "gold standard" truth of highest quality.

    • Next week: Design
      • understanding problem statements and customer needs,
      • planning for an operational environment,
      • and facilitating uptake through interactivity.