
Jake Ryland Williams
Assistant Professor
Department of Information Science
College of Computing and Informatics
Drexel University
Introduction to data science

Some themes

  • Depicting data visually fulfills a variety of purposes,
  • from data exploration and intuitions development,
  • to descriptive storytelling through infographics,
  • to expressions of analyses and interpretations of results,
  • and even web-based, interactive products development.
  • Regardless of purpose, there are key qualities for success,
  • such as clarity, simplicity, and truth of representation.
  • Exploration and visualization

  • While much of EDA is accomplished through summarization,
  • like through objective measures of centrality and spread,
  • it is also helpful to depict data visually.
  • We've introduced box plots, which show these summaries,
  • but visualization in EDA let's one see all data at once
  • and form intuitive assessments about important patterns.
  • Here, we'll go explore some common visualization types,
  • and walk through best practices and interpretations.
  • Histograms

  • A histogram exhibits the spread of a single data dimension.
  • There are discrete bins into which the data points fall,
  • which are tallied and shown as bars,
  • with heights as counts (frequencies) or probabilities.
  • Here, bin width/spacing is the variable parameter;
  • e.g., there can be equal-width and -probability bins.
  • Important: probabilistic areas, not heights sum to 1!
  • Kernal density estimates (KDEs) smooth histograms
  • and algorithmically estimate underlying distributions.
  • Histograms

    Scatter plots

  • Scatter plots exhibit covariation between data simply,
  • by placing separate data dimensions on separate axes.
  • Points are commonly tweaked for shape and color
  • as a means for expressing multiple scatters together.
  • Point size can express a third, "intensity" dimension.
  • While depth and perspective can be used for true 3-d scatters,
  • anything more is beyond physical perception.
  • So for more comparisons, it's common make more plots,
  • e.g., with an array of pairwise-comparison scatters,
  • but mind axis ranges, inflating/deflating relationships.
  • Scatter plots


  • An important scatter plot observable is density,
  • which is straightforward when there are relatively few points,
  • but plotting many same-color points obscures density.
  • Once again, color comes in handy here,
  • where, e.g., color gradients indicate more/less dense regions,
  • however, this makes density another dimension of data,
  • which must be determined algorithmically,
  • Common tools are once again binning and kernel smoothing,
  • but beware, these rely on the same assumptions as histograms.
  • Scatter plots

    Line plots

  • When one of 2 dimensions are ordered, line plots can be useful.
  • E.g., stock prices, daily temperatures, traffic density, etc.
  • Don't forget, all these do is connect the dots,
  • so points in between shouldn't generally be assumed,
  • though in exploration, these help highlight trends.
  • If a line plot jaggedly distracts from a shape,
  • a variety of smoothing techniques can come in handy,
  • e.g, moving averages are quite straightforward,
  • but the different methods all have their assumptions,
  • so smoothing should be taken with a grain of salt.
  • Line plots

    A line chart in yellow with a 30-day moving average in black.


  • With geospatial data, maps make for exciting visualizations.
  • Points can be scattered atop political, natural etc. features.
  • "Choropleths" use shade polygons according to intensities,
  • and so are just polygon-binned scatter plots exhibiting density.
  • Don't forget: maps rely on projections—the earth is round!
  • Some projections keep polygon area true to geography,
  • while others focus on simplicity, making all bodies visible.
  • "Cartograms" are maps that distort areas intentionally,
  • and representing data intensities through polygon size.
  • Maps

    Required readings: Map projections

    > Some common map projections explained
    > What your favorite projection says about you
    > An interactive graphic comparing projections


  • Occasionally, EDA itself can result in a product.
  • Infographics present summary information quickly and clearly,
  • often cartoonifying visual information for easy consumption,
  • and combining different visualization types into one.
  • We've seen a number of these already!
  • The goal: bingeably wrap descriptive observations together.

  • One of the earliest infographics

    How many data dimensions are depicted here?


  • EDA in large or complex data sets can be challenging.
  • It's great to be able to represent lots of data,
  • but can one digest 1,000 scatter plots?
  • This is where sharable interactivity comes into play,
  • made possible recently with advances in technology.
  • Web-based apps allow viewers to traverse many plots,
  • but to truly "explore" some data, movement is necessary.
  • This can be as simple as a video from successive plots,
  • and as complex as the panning and zooming in Google maps.
  • Paramount to interactivity is intuitive navigation.
  • HTML and interactivity

  • HTML's malleability makes it an ideal host for interactivity.
  • With much web-based programming performed in javascript,
  • an extensive library for interactivity called d3.js was developed.
  • Other languages have similar functionality,
  • e.g., python has Bokeh, and R has Shiny
  • but these are less developed and/or not free to host!
  • However, d3.js requires html, css, and javascript skills,
  • so while the learning curve can be somewhat steeper,
  • learning it leads to proficiency in web products development,
  • which is an extremely marketable skill in data science.
  • Required derping with d3.js

    Some examples on the d3.js galley (explore this):
      A changing Voronoi tesselation (midpoint boundaries).
      A click-to-zoom map.
      An interactive map depicting US airline flights.
    NLF prediction (2015) from Nate Silver's FiverThirtyEight blog.

    Some external examples applying d3.js:
    koalastothemax is reminiscent of mitosis!
      Facebook's initial public offering, via the New York Times.
      An interactive exploration of the MBTA (Boston's subway)
    Vax! a game about epidemic prevention

    What's the point?

  • With so many visualizations easily accessible,
  • it's important to maintain focus on goals for depiction.
  • Consistent values include clarity, trueness, and simplicity,
  • but often there is a message from analysis to display,
  • so visualization can be essential to convey interpretation,
  • as is the case with presentation in storytelling.
  • So if an outcome is a business decision,
  • significant emphasis should be placed on interpretation,
  • which must be carried forward to recipients.
  • Required readings: Storytelling

    > The essential data science skill everyone needs
    > How to tell a story with data
    > When beautiful metrics can't beat words
    > Why data storytelling is so important—and why we're so bad at it

    Product development

  • A common goal in data science is product development,
  • and customers often experience data visually.
  • So, instead of communicating hypotheses and interpretations
  • visualization can bear roles like navigation and uptake.
  • This again emphasizes simplicity and clarity,
  • but likewise a need for natural interaction,
  • i.e., users uptake may improve if instructions are unnecessary.
  • We'll touch on these topics more in chapter 13,
  • when we consider generally the role of design in data science.
  • Recap

  • Depicting data visually fulfills a variety of purposes,
  • from data exploration and intuitions development,
  • to descriptive storytelling through infographics,
  • to expressions of analyses and interpretations of results,
  • and even web-based, interactive products development.
  • Regardless of purpose, there are key qualities for success,
  • such as clarity, simplicity, and truth of representation.

    • Next time: Modeling
      • Does data follow a pattern or emerge from a process?
      • What is hypothesis testing?
      • How do math, stats, algorithms, and machine learning all fit?