
Jake Ryland Williams
Assistant Professor
Department of Information Science
College of Computing and Informatics
Drexel University
Introduction to data science

Some themes

  • Google's PageRank search is an excellent DS example.
  • It grew early, in an environment of very large data,
  • and spun off important tech developments, like MapReduce.
  • Google search dev. covers many DS lifecycle components
  • like acquisition, pre-processing, modeling, and optimization,
  • and is rolled out with updates that affect human lives.
  • Putting things together

  • We've seen DS requires a lot of different skills,
  • with projects that engage many different tasks.
  • What we haven't done yet is see how they all fit,
  • which we will do here in a well-known example.
  • So, we'll motivate a real-world data science problem
  • and note key technical steps along the way
  • and how they represent the data science life cycle.
  • Web search

  • Without web search the internet would be a blind world.
  • Navigation would consist of pages known, their links,
  • and "stabbing in the dark" at arbitrary URLs.
  • In the early days, web search was much more limited,
  • and there were many well-used options for finding pages,
  • like altavista, Yahoo, WebCrawler, Lycos, Ask Jeeves,
  • and many more..., including Google!
  • These web search sites work(ed) in a variaty of ways.
  • However, Google works really well, and outpaced all.
  • Required reading

    > Wikipedia: Web search engine (just the history section)

    Why is Google a big deal?

  • Web search requires an index of searchable items,
  • and all engines have this in some way or another.
  • Search engines have to filter items according to the search,
  • which usually involves matching terms in html body text,
  • or possibly metadata tags that provide context.
  • But even with a filtered list, the big problem is ranking,
  • i.e., which pages should be at the top of a search?
  • This is where Google really made strides in the business,
  • when they created and employed the PageRank algorithm,
  • which was an excellent example of successful data science,
  • touching clearly on key life cycle steps, including acquisition,
  • analysis, modeling, production, and optimization.
  • Crawling the web

  • An index of html is necessary for Google's web search,
  • and they do this by crawling the web with Googlebot.
  • Googlebot starts by visiting a list of known pages.
  • Adding any hyperlinks to the list to crawl.
  • Any new sites, or changes to existing sites are processed,
  • updating Google's master index.
  • This results in a lot of data—not just the urls,
  • but any of the search features that they use to filter.
  • MapReduce was originally coined for proprietary Google tech,
  • but has since be genericized built out open source for use.
  • Web crawling is Google's big data collection step.
  • Indexing

  • When google finds a new web page it indexes it.
  • Indexing a page involves recording the url itself,
  • its words and all of their locations,
  • and key metadata and html tags, like Title, etcetera.
  • The data are all primarily used for filtering,
  • but the indexing process also includes finding outlinks,
  • but these don't just make the index bigger.
  • The outlinks from a page are used in the ranking process,
  • which we will see tie directly into their analytic model,
  • but for now, indexing is a great example of pre-processing.
  • Inverted indexes

  • Inverted indexes are core essential to page filtering.
  • A common index describes the contents of a document,
  • which is good for knowing what's inside,
  • but this information is backwards for finding documents,
  • i.e., a program would have to look through all documents
  • in order to find those matching a word (CPU expensive).
  • This should ideally be done once, with the info stored,
  • which is precisely what an inverted index accomplishes,
  • i.e., an inverted index says which documents have which terms.
  • Required reading: Inverted index

    The Internetwork!

  • Google's big innovation was really with ranking,
  • and this was done by putting the problem into a good model.
  • The internet can be viewed as a bunch of linked documents,
  • which is abstractly a directed network of links and nodes.
  • The connections, themselves, possess a lot of information,
  • which Google extracted with a mathematical model
  • finds where a "person" might most frequently arrive
  • as they "surf" around the internet randomly.
  • A random surfer

  • With the internet as a network of links and nodes,
  • Think of Google's PagrRank starting a surfer at each page,
  • at each step forward in time, surfers click onto another page,
  • choosing one linked from where they are.
  • This happens again and again, until the game stops,
  • and finally Google check to see where people wound up.
  • The places with the most surfers are the highest ranked,
  • and those with fewer are lower ranked.
  • Random surfing is an excellent network modeling example.
  • A surfer walks randomly


  • The random surfer model is intuitive and understandable,
  • but executing PageRank with it is somewhat more complex.
  • The model uses a lot of linear algebra,
  • since a network is represented by an adjacency matrix,
  • and it is generally computed in terms of probabilities
  • that describe the likelihood a surfer will chance upon a page.
  • However, some pages don't link out anywhere,
  • and some groups of pages are entirely disconnected,
  • which causes the page-hit probability to bleed away.
  • To fix this, the modelers included teleportation into the model,
  • where a surfer jumps to an arbitrary page with a probability, p,
  • or follows a link from locale, with probability (1-p).
  • If you look this up, p is often called the "damping" factor.
  • PageRank

    Page C has a higher PageRank than Page E, even though there are fewer links to C; the one link to C comes from an important page and hence is of high value.

    Spamdexing? Link farming?

  • PageRank is a powerful algorithm, but publically known,
  • and people learned to game it for better ranking.
  • "Spamdexing" is a general term to cheat indexing systems,
  • and "keyword stuffing" pages helps them pass filtering,
  • but "link farming" was devised to cheat PageRank.
  • Incoming links contribute to a page's score the most,
  • so a collection of pages can be strengthened by crosslinking,
  • but sites eventually started trading links for better PageRank;
  • some were created for the sole purpose of selling links.
  • Amidst growing concerns, Google modified their algorithms,
  • identified thin-content websites, and demoted them in rankings.
  • However, "good" sites were hurt in the process, and
  • much user interaction was required to optimize search quality.
  • Nowadays, search engine optimization (SEO) is a science,
  • where companies seek consulting to improve Google presence.
  • Required readings

    > Google's official blog post on the Panda/Farmer release
    > Google Clamps Down on Content Factories
    > We're Working to Help Good Sites Caught by Spam Cleanup


  • Not all of Google's optimization fights black-hat SEO.
  • By 2009 personalized search was applied to all users;
  • website cookies informing of previous browser searches
  • enabled Google to direct searches to related pages.
  • Most users have no idea this is going on when they search,
  • but the service was slowly rolled out through chrome users,
  • and determined appropriate for mass use, eventually.
  • But determining site rankings for SEO is now difficult,
  • and users can be trapped in "filter bubbles,"
  • where they don't see information outside their own views!
  • De-personalizing Google is actually fairly involved.
  • While disabling used to be possible at the search bar,
  • this is no longer a feature that can be turned off,
  • but only mitigated, by blocking location reports and cookies.
  • Required readings: personalized search

    > Personalized search for everyone
    > Wikipedia: Google Personalized Search (reception, only)
    > How to turn off Google's personalized search results
    > Wikipedia: Filter bubble


  • Google's PageRank search is an excellent DS example.
  • It grew early, in an environment of very large data,
  • and spun off important tech developments, like MapReduce.
  • Google search dev. covers many DS lifecycle components
  • like acquisition, pre-processing, modeling, and optimization,
  • and is rolled out with updates that affect human lives.