Jake Ryland Williams
Assistant Professor
Department of Information Science
College of Computing and Informatics
Drexel University
Course intent
This is a first course in data science.
It will provide an overview of most aspects of the discipline.
This is a self-contained survey course with no prerequisites,
with content organized through readings and class discussions.
Who should take this course?
Anyone. Data science is becoming pervasive.
Any discipline where data is prevalent can benefit,
and data is becoming prevalent in more and more places.
As mentioned, there are no prerequisites.
It is required for DS, IS, and CST majors, and DS minors.
What will you get out of this course?
An overview of the skills that go into data science,
and an understanding of the tasks undertaken in data science.
- Among other topics, this includes:
what data is and where to find it,
the differing work that gets done across the discipline,
typical components of a data science project, and
characterizations of "Big data."
If you want to see more of anything...
...take the major!
- Programming and development
Web Systems and Services I: INFO 151
Computer Programming I: CS 171
Data Science Programming I & II: INFO 212 & 213
Cloud Computing and Big Data: INFO 323
- Analysis and exploration
Social Media Data Analysis: INFO 440
Exploratory Data Analytics: INFO 311
Advanced Data Analytics: INFO 411
Data Mining Applications: INFO 371
If you want to see more of anything...
...take the major!
- Curation, management, and access
Data Curation: INFO 202
Applied Data Management: INFO 153
Database Management Systems: INFO 210
Information Retrieval Systems: INFO 300
Introduction to Information Security: INFO 333
If you want to see more of anything...
...take the major!
- Design and visualization
Information Visualization: INFO 250
Human-Computer Interaction II: INFO 310
Visual Analytics: INFO 350
- Social aspects and collaboration
Social Aspects of Information Systems: INFO 215
Issues in Information Policy: INFO 216
Software project management: INFO 420
Course structure
- Overview:
- Eight quizzes (20%)
- Two homework assignments (30%)
- One mid-term exam (20%)
- One group project description (15%)
- One group project presentation (15%)
- For full credit:
- Show up every day.
- Complete all required readings.
- For full credit:
- Complete your assignments in a timely fashion.
- Make sure your responses are cogent and concise.
- Think creatively about your responses.
- Relate your experiences to the questions asked.
- Complete all required readings.
- Participate in class discussions.
- Ask questions and affirm your understanding.
Mid-term exam
- For full credit:
- Show up for/take your exams!
- Make sure your responses are cogent and concise.
- Complete all required readings.
- Participate in class discussions.
- Ask questions and affirm your understanding.
Project description
- For full credit:
- Start thinking about a topic early.
- Communicate and coordinate work with your group.
- Get specific about one product/dataset/technology.
- Consider both limitiations and advancements.
- Make sure your information is clearly presented!
Project presentation
- For full credit:
- Integrate feedback to update description material.
- Use images, graphs, and charts.
- Don't just read from slides!
- Pause for understanding and ask questions.
Data science reaches into a lot of fields.
This survey course is intended for everyone.
- Up next, an overview:
What is data science?
Who is a data scientist?
What is data?